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[SSRC] 5th University Forum at 12 PM on Thursday, July 28th

[Invitation letter] There are growing voices of serious concern about the future of the sickening earth. How can we address humanity's challenges of climate, environment, energy, and resource? To solve the problem, what role should scholars, entrepreneurs, technology experts, government officials, politicians, and civil society play?

The 5th Forum of Strange Universities aims to ponder on the role of universities for the sake of a sustainable society and the earth. ※ The "Strange University Forum" of the University and Social Research Council is operated with support research funds from external companies.

Donghoon Ma, head of the University and Social Research Association, Department of Media Studies

Seongcheol Kim, Head of BK21 Media Studies Education Research Group


* Date and time: July 28, 2022 (Thu) 12:00 p.m. to 1:20 p.m

* Venue: CCL Event Hall, B1F, Central Plaza, Korea University

* Topic: ESG of Universities

* Chairman: Donghoon Ma (Professor of Department of Media & Communication at Korea University)

* Presenter: Yong Sik Oh (Professor of Division of Environmental Science and Ecological Engineering, Korea University)

* Debate: Mihye Lee (Professor of College of Science, Korea University), Hyunghee Lee (SK Chairman of Social Value Committee)

* Youtube link:

* Offline participation application: E-mail reply by July 26 (Tue) at 12:00 (noon) (40 people on a first-come, first-served basis)- Enrollment and inquiry: - Email title: Application for participation in the 5th forum

- Email contents: Affiliation (department) / Position / Name / Attendance

e.g. Department of Media & Communication / Graduate student, undergraduate, professor, etc. / Hong Gil-dong / Wish to attend * We would like to inform you that the 6th Forum, which was scheduled for August 25, 2022, has been changed to September 1st.

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